SCI Care: What Really Matters
SCI Care: What Really Matters
Candice Care-Unger on attending the pre-conference Psychosocial day
In this episode, Candice Care-Unger is a renowned psychosexual therapist and specialist social worker from Sydney. Candice shares her insights on attending the pre-conference psychosocial day.
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The SCI Care: What Really Matters podcast aims to provide valuable insights and the most up-to-date information for those providing care to people with spinal cord injury (SCI) worldwide. The vision of the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) is to "facilitate healthy and inclusive lives for people with spinal cord injury or dysfunction globally".
Contact us directly with any questions or comments at iscos@associationsltd.co.uk
Welcome to our bonus episode of SCI Care. What really matters the Edinburgh Conversations. I am Dr Ali Jumous, the President of the International Spine Court Society. You are about to hear a selection of interviews recorded live in Edinburgh during the course of the 60 seconds ESCO scientific meeting. Each bonus track will have discussions with speakers, delegates, partners, ESCO's committee chairs and teams attending the ESCO's 2023. Join us to find out what the hot topics of the day are within SCI Care. We hope you enjoy listening.
Speaker 2:I'm Candice.
Speaker 2:I'm a psychosexual therapist based in Sydney in Australia and also a specialist social worker.
Speaker 2:So it's great to be part of the pre-conference psychosocial committee because it's a chance to meet with other people who are working in the field and also, I guess the thing for me has just been that real reflection on screening into the community, because my setting is in the community and just how is it that we can kind of keep that momentum for motivation and engagement and participation and quality of life outcomes and obviously, as a sexuality specialist, being in the room and hearing how rarely that issue is addressed and just knowing that the work that we're doing is really targeting those mental health and quality of life outcomes.
Speaker 2:So I'm having a bit of a firming moment, listening to everything that's happening, that the work that we're doing is on the right track. It's really nice to connect with people internationally as well and to just see what the rest of the week holds. On Wednesday afternoon I'm presenting as well and we're in the sex, skin, bladder and bowel section and so I guess just connecting with some of my colleagues that are doing similar work, and already this morning I've connected with other people who are doing the type of work I'm doing in other parts of the world, so that's been good too.
Speaker 1:We hope you have enjoyed listening to our bonus collection of Edinburgh Conversation from ESCOS 2023. As always, you can listen to these episodes and all episodes from the podcast provider of your choice. If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. Email them to admin at escosorguk. Escos also invites you to the 63rd ESCOS scientific annual meeting from the 22nd to the 25th of September 2024. To save the date and more details, we'll follow on the 2024 themes submitting an abstract and early birth registration. Thank you for listening.